Parking Permits

ay24 -25许可证的在线车辆登记将于美国东部时间7月22日星期一上午9:30开放.
  • 所有学生(住在校内或校外)必须在停车服务办公室登记车辆,并获得有效的停车许可证,以便在校园或授权的城市街道上停车.
  • 学生不得将车辆停放在校园周围的塔金顿管家社区的街道上. 印第安纳波利斯市的法律承诺要求皇冠投注执行这一承诺.
  • Permits are limited to the number of parking spaces available. Permits for on-campus residents have typically sold out in July. 对于仍然希望获得许可证的学生,将公布在线等待名单.
  • 在23-24学年,281名学生在周末入住之前从等候名单中获得了许可. 这个过程很重要,可以让皇冠投注在获得所有许可证之前接收并解决医疗需求和课程所需的交通问题.
  • 每学年开学第一天将开始对未登记的停车行为进行执法.

All University parking facilities are regulated by a permit system. To utilize these parking lots, 你必须在大学警察局登记你的车辆. These lots are monitored 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Faculty, staff, students, 将车停在计价器空间或停车场的附属机构必须在其车辆上登记有效的在校停车许可证.

年度许可证有效期从购买之日起至下一学年的8月20日止. 许可证持有人有责任知道许可证的有效期,并在必要时续期.

Permit Types

Permit Display


Do not:

  • Use tape to secure permit to window. The permit is a sticker and will adhere to the window on its own.
  • 把你的许可证放在座位上、仪表板上或汽车的后窗上.

Affixed permits must match the vehicle registration. The permit must be placed on the back window, lower left-hand corner. 如果你有一个敞篷车顶,你可以把许可证在挡风玻璃的左下角. 摩托车许可证必须显示在挡风玻璃上,如果适用,或前叉.

Lost or Stolen Permits

The University is not responsible for lost permits. Make sure your permit makes it onto the back window of the vehicle. You may obtain a replacement permit at the Office of Parking Services, located at 4702 Sunset Drive, Suite 500, Indianapolis, IN 46208. If the permit is stolen, 为了获得5美元的重置费用,必须提交一份警方报告. 如果许可证丢失,则新许可证的成本为许可证的正常当前价格.

If the lost or stolen permit is recovered, it must be returned to the Office of Parking Services immediately. 使用丢失或被盗的许可证可能会导致传票或车辆被扣押.